5 Instagram Influencer Outreach Templates That’ll Grab Attention
When you’re trying to promote your business and brand on Instagram, you can’t wait for the influencers to come to you.
In order to attract new influencers to your company, you’re going to want to increase your outreach efforts to connect with agencies and independent bloggers within your niche that you believe might be a good match for your brand.
Below, you’ll find a short list of 5 Instagram influencer outreach templates that will grab the attention of prospective influencers and invoke a response from them.
- Show Prospective Influencers the Benefits of Promoting Your Brand
Influencers want to hear what it is in it for them when you ask them to promote your brand. Be clear and concise when advertising the benefits they would receive when promoting your brand.
Example Template:
Hi, (name of the influencer),
I came across your Instagram and I love how (discuss a positive aspect about his or her page).
My name is (insert your name), owner / manager / representative of (your business). I am looking for influencers like you to help me promote my brand. In return, we would:
- Offer regular shout-outs as a token of our appreciation for your hard work.
- Discounts on our products for yourself and a discount code to give to your followers.
- A (insert percentage) commission on all sales made via your unique affiliate link.
What do you think about this? Let me know your thoughts at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you!
- Ask an Influencer to Test a Product
You are going to want any influencers that join forces with your business to be able to test your products. How can they know what to talk about on their Instagram page concerning your brand if they have not tried your products yet? Here’s an example template to ask an influencer to test one of your products.
Example Template:
Good (morning, afternoon, or evening), (insert prospective influencer’s name),
My name is (insert here). I’m the owner of (insert business name). I see that you post frequently about (niche related to your brand) and I would like to see if you are interested in trying out one of my products.
(Explain the product you would want him or her to try.)
Would you like to try (product name)?
If you are interested, (insert a call-to-action).
Have a great day and I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience!
- After Product Testing, Ask an Influencer Their Honest Opinion
Say that you want to do an article about what influencers think of your brand’s products. Once you have reached out to potential influencers to test your product and have enough feedback from at least 5-10 of them, you can start gathering data about their opinions concerning your products. Here’s an email template to help you outreach to those influencers that have already tested your products.
Example Template
Hello, (influencer name),
Thank you for testing our product recently! I am excited to announce that my company is doing an article about what influencers think of our products to feature on our website, and we would appreciate your honest opinion to be able to share with our customers.
If you would like to participate, here’s what we need:
- Tell us your honest opinion whether good or bad.
- At least 2 sentences reviewing the product you tested. You can include more in the review if you have more to say.
- Give us a link to your Instagram. We can feature it at the end of your opinion’s section in the article.
- Be sure to reply by (insert deadline date), so we can get this article published ASAP.
Your answer would really help our audience to build trust with us as a valuable brand. Plus, our readers can also check out your Instagram so you can gain followership from this article, too.
(Your name)
- Reach Out to Instagram Influencers to Become Brand Ambassadors
If you see that another Instagram Influencer is publishing content related to your product and services, you may want to do an outreach message to them asking to become a brand ambassador for your product.
Example Template:
Hi, (insert name),
I noticed your (type of media the person publishes on Instagram) and I see you love (insert niche related to your brand).
I own and operate (business name). I am looking for brand ambassadors for my company, and I think you would be great for the team!
If you are interested in learning more, send me a message and we can chat!
(Your name)
- Telling an Influencer He/She Was Featured
If you posted any type of media featuring an Instagram Influencer recently, give him or her a heads up that they were featured in your content. This would make the influencer feel very appreciated that their content made such a difference for your project. This can open the conversation when you ask for feedback and you can both naturally start working together eventually.
Example Template:
Hi, (name of influencer),
My name is (put your name here) and I own (business name). I just published a recent (insert media published) about (insert subject).
We featured you in our (nature of the most recent project). Thank you for all you do as an Instagram influencer! We appreciate the content you publish for your followers and it really helped us with this project.
I would love it if you could check it out when you have a spare minute and tell me what you think. Any feedback is appreciated because you have more expertise on this subject than we do!
Thank you for your time,
(Your name, owner of the business name)