5 Sources You Might Not Be Using To Find Affiliates
Every online marketer that has been doing Internet marketing for any period of time knows you need affiliates as part of your marketing strategy. Now the big question is.. where do I find affiliates? You want quality affiliates that are self-starters and able to convey why they promote your products as well as how they work. Here are five places to find affiliates that you may not be using.
1. Social Networks
You’re already on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social networks. Why not look for good affiliates there? Personal contacts on your social networks are more likely to create comments, ask intelligent questions about the launch or product, and most of all, they will have a trust factor with you.
Resources: Facebook | X – Formerly Twitter | Google Plus
2. Work at Home Mom Forums
If you want a group of motivated affiliates, try any of the numerous work-at-home mom or parent forums. There are usually places to put free or moderately priced advertisements. These potential affiliates are balancing being a stay-at-home parent along with working. Many are looking for additional opportunities to earn extra income.
3. Make a Pinterest Board for Recruiting Affiliates
If you haven’t explored Pinterest, it’s a great way to get opportunities out there. A case study by Boticca showed Pinterest clicks resulted in 10% sales, over Facebook’s 7%. Create a board and call it “Opportunities” or “Make Money from Home” and write what the opportunity is, don’t be vague. You get 500 characters. Also, there are a ton of boards you can join that accept posts from board members. The idea is to get your affiliate opportunities in front of the people most likely to click.
Resource: Pinterest
4. LinkedIn is Good for Finding Affiliates
Most people think that LinkedIn is just for networking and finding jobs. It’s actually a great place to meet people seeking affiliate opportunities. When you join, be sure to fill out your information completely. If you know someone has specific skills, and you are comfortable vouching that “Scott is a great affiliate marketer” or “Sarah has killer blog promotion skills”, chances are they will promote you back and increase your star power on LinkedIn. There is a news feed that you can post on, and just like Facebook, make every offering for affiliates a quality one, and you’ll attract quality affiliates.
Resource: LinkedIn
5. Craigslist is Still Valid
Craigslist is still a good place to find great affiliates. There are numerous people seeking opportunities every single day. When you place an ad on Craigslist, be real about what the opportunity entails. If you already have a landing page, link to it. You can place a few ads in a few cities, just make sure each ad is unique. Be a good member and you’ll find good potential affiliates to promote your products there.
Resource: Craigslist