Frequently Asked Questions

Do I receive any discounts on It's A Black products since I'm an Affiliate?
No, but you can make a purchase through your link and earn a commission on the sale.
Will I be able to compare the performance of my links?
Yes. Our reports allow you to view which links are earning you the most revenue in addition to which products are the most popular among the customers you refer.
Where can I view how much I've sold and earned?
It's A Black provides sales and activity reports that allows you to view your sales and earnings. We also provide several other reports that show traffic analysis, link effectiveness, as well as other useful information.
How will you know that the orders came from my site?
We track all visitors and sales from your website using a unique identifier that is embedded in your links.
How do product returns affect my commissions?
If a customer returns a product for a refund, or if credit card charges are reversed due to a dispute or credit card fraud, your account will be debited for commission earned on the associated sale.
What is a Sub-Affiliate?
A sub-affiliate is a website owner that you have recruited into the It's A Black Affiliate Program. In addition to the commission we pay the affiliate you referred, we also pay you 3% commission on this affiliate’s sales.
Is there a certain number of links I am obligated to place on my website?
No. You may use as few or as many links as you like. We encourage you to try a variety of links to learn which will increase your click-throughs and commission earnings. We also provide detailed reporting to help you pinpoint which links are performing best.
Which kinds of links should I use?
We recommend using multiple link types in order to compliment the specific content on each page of your site. Combining link types can often increase conversion.
How do I create links to
We provide banner links, product image links, text links, and other marketing material that is embedded with your affiliate ID. Your account manager platform includes a link generator which will automatically create your affiliate links. So all you have to do is copy and paste the links to your website, your social media page or almost any other marketing method including email and print advertising. It's simple and fast. The default link to our site will take your visitors to our homepage. However you can also link to a specific category of products or link to an individual product on our site. The process is very simple. 1. Go to your dashboard and click on "Custom Tracking Links" 2. Click on "Alternate Incoming Page Links" 3. Go to our website and find the category of products or the specific product that you want to link to. 4. Copy the URL from our site and paste it on the top line of the link creation page and click "Create My Link". 5. Your unique affiliate link will be automatically created and you can use it to send your visitors to that specific category or that specific product on our website. 6. The actual page on our website will be shown above the link you created so you will know exactly where it points to. 7. You can create as many as direct links as you like.
What is the Affiliate Program and how does it work?
The Affiliate Program is a service allowing participating websites to earn commission on sales referred from links on their website. We provide you with links for your pages to our products and when a visitor you've referred to us makes a purchase, you earn commission. At the end of the month if you have reached the minimum payout level, we pay you a commission for a percentage of the sales you referred to our site. It's that easy!
If I have multiple websites, do I need to apply separately for each?
If you want to track the specific progress of each site you will need a tracking code for each site.
Can I become an Affiliate if I live outside the United States?
Yes, we have Affiliates from all over the world and would love to have you on our Affiliate team. Please keep in mind all commission checks are paid in US dollars.
How do I sign up and are there any fees?
Just fill out our online application and start creating links. It's that easy. There are no fees in our Affiliate Program. You are not obligated to purchase any products and there will not be any fees added after you join.
Is my website eligible for the Affiliate Program?
We accept almost all types of websites. We do not accept any sites which: 1. Advocate or promote sexually explicit material. 2. Advocate or promote violence. 3. Advocate or promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age. 4. Advocate or promote illegal activities. 5. Violate intellectual property rights. We welcome all applications but reserve the right to refuse membership or revoke a membership at any time.
When will I get paid?
We will pay your commission when it totals at least $25 and at least 30 days have past since the sale was generated.
How much will I earn?
We pay a 10% commission on qualified sales and we pay a 3% commission on the sales of any affiliate that you recruit into our affiliate program.
Can I sign up my organization for the affiliate program?
Yes, your organization can join the Associates Program. Other organizations that have joined the program include charities, churches, schools, alumni associations and many others.
Do I need a website to join?
No you don't need a website to join. You can advertise your affiliate link on your social media sites and via email.